Saturday 15 March 2014

Inspiration from an Igloo

Yes, I am Canadian and I live in a place where it's freezing cold all the time. However, as I lay in bed last night, I had an inspiring thought! Here it is ladies and gents....

(or aluminum foil)

What is so intriguing about tin foil? We use it for lining baking pans to reflect the heat so why not use it to reflect light? This is especially great if you are in an outdoor setting.. just have a roll of tin foil in one hand as you are shooting to direct the light where you want it!

Isn't this great? Not to mention, it only costs $0.99 for  a decent size roll!

Now to get the best effect of this awesome cost saving solution, use a fresh roll every time so you don't get crinkles in it. If your tin foil has crinkles in it, it will reflect uneven lighting and make harsh lines appear on your subjects faces. So unless you want your mother-in-law to look more wrinkled, use fresh tin foil. 

I also found that by holding the camera in your left hand, you can reach the button better and it gives you a nicer depth of feeled. (By the way, I don't know why they call it depth of feeled.. is is because it makes the picture look like the subject can be feeled or felt or however you say it?) 

Other uses for Tin Foil
  • Take a Red Solo cup, line it with tin foil and tape it so it's secured. Then put it on your pop-up flash and it will give you the same effect as one of those big daddy flashes.
  • If you have a camera on a tripod and you want to take a selfie, tape the tin foil behind your camera so you can see yourself through the viewfinder.
  • Wrap tin foil around your lens so it stays warm in the winter time. Just make sure you wrap it with the shiny side it so it won't reflect the heat out and make your lens freeze.
  • If you ever lose your lens caps, take tin foil and wrap it over the glass to keep the dust off
  • It also makes a great prop for little kids. Ball it up and they can play with them on the grass :)
Hope you enjoyed todays inspiration and tips!

Have a great day!


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