The answer is simple...I DON'T! I deal with each person individually based on what their budget is. If they can only afford $10, then I give them a $10 photoshoot. Yes, even for newborns! I mean, what new mother can afford HUNDREDS of $$$$$$ to get photos taken of their baby? Its just ridiculous in my opinion. I had one new mother call me up and ask me if I could take pictures of her baby, but she couldn't afford a high-end photographer. So I just did a free (yes, FREE) photoshoot of her new baby and gave her the CD with all 50 high-res pictures on them. And you know what? I felt great!!! I had the greatest freaking feeling ever! I not only helped out a new mom, but I also got a new potential client. I still don't understand why she never called me back though...strange, eh?
So since I don't set my pricing, I can hardly be called an expert in this area, but I do have some guidelines that you can follow if you seem stuck. (Just remember, pricing usually varies by season and your location.)
- Weddings
- Again, I see what the client's budget is. But as a good starting point, it usually takes a whole day of shooting, plus a week of editing.
- If you have to travel, don't worry about charging for the travel expenses. (Unless you spend over $300 in gas, then I might consider it)
- I usually end up getting paid around $200 each wedding. I mean, who needs to get paid more? Its a pretty good job if I can get paid $200 just for ONE day of snapping photos!
- FYI I never calculate in the time I take editing :)
- Newborns
- I never offer shoots for free, but if someone asks me to do one pro-bono, then I will.
- I generally get paid between $25-$50 for a newborn shoot. I only end up taking about 1/2-1 hour MAX to do a newborn shoot. (Babies usually end up getting really fussy at the 45 minute mark for some reason...)
- DO NOT calculate the cost of your props into the price. Its not worth it.
- Family
- GO BIG OR GO HOME! The bigger the family, the bigger the discount! I once shot a family of 50+ people and only charged $30!!!! It was so special since they did the shoot for their great-grandparents as an anniversary gift. Not only was it special, but it was so CHEAP! I felt so great being a part of that family's gift.
- Other
- Just trust your gut. If you feel you should be charging less, charge less.. If you think your clients can afford a bit more, charge more!
So this is my summary of pricing strategies..hope they help you out!
Have a great night, EH?
Freida the Fauxtog
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